Well. What a long time. Again. So straight onto the pumpkin in a can. Bought last year with the view to making a pumpkin pie that never materialised. I decided it needed using this year despite the 2013 use by date (I know, the wonders of modern technology) mainly because it was taking up my limited cupboard space.
Pumpkin Whoopie Pies
This was my first time using measuring cups and it was, actually, quite liberating. Truly. Thank you my American colleague Veggie K of The Famous Potato Party for the lending of the cups. I will return them, promise.
I am assured by VKofTFPP that even real American chefs use canned pumpkin and I have to say if definitely cut my post work snoozy baking time quite nicely.
I've never used so much spice in a recipe. Multiple tablespoons of ground cloves, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg (my addition) went into this recipe so opening the oven during cooking made my eyes water. Ouchy.
I really really enjoying baking these and it was nothing to do with the gin martini with extra olives. Easy to make, pleasing to bake and fun to assemble! I absolutely hate butter icing (oily sweet bleurgh) so my whoopie pies were filled with mascarpone sweetened with icing sugar and a little cinnamon.
I only took one not so good picture of a finished pie but should have taken more before they went to work.
Say hello to the gob, the bob or the BFO.
More to come. Defo.