Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Don't dunk your Cheddars.

No Veg Box Wednesday this week. I am being whisked off for a very romantic weekend. Oh yes. It's ever so exotic. I'll give you a hint. Starts with 'T' and ends in 'Ravelodge'. Oh yes. But seriously, we are going somewhere very pretty so I am looking forward to it muchly. 

Yesterday, Baked Tunworth Soft Cheese with roasted fennel and pepper with bread for dipping and mopping. The Tunworth is similar to a Camembert but less stinky. It is still creamy and rich and just right for baking! 

Buy a Camembert type cheese in a box and remove anything plastic. Place the naked cheese back in it's wooden box with the lid on, place on a baking tray and bake in the oven at 180°C for about 45mins. The cheese should wobble when gently shaken.

Melted cheese is good with many things so serve with whatever you fancy. Not cake. That's weird.

After last weeks mostly vegetarian menu Dr W did the shopping while I was away on Sunday and came back with meat. Fair enough. Poor man. We jerked some chicken on Monday and today, it was Burger Wednesday.

Burgers with Space Cheese & dill pickles, spicy wedges and 'I'd better do something with that two week old cabbage' coleslaw.

Wedge some potatoes and boil until just soft on the outside. Add olive oil, smoked paprika, chilli flakes, salt & pepper and roast in the oven for about 30mins. Meanwhile...

Finely shred cabbage, carrot and (optional) onion, mix with mayonnaise and season to taste. This is functional coleslaw. Refer to this if you're feeling more daring.

Mix beef mince with soft cooked onion and garlic which has been left to cool, Worcestershire Sauce (Splish Me!), salt & pepper and an egg yolk to bind it all together. Get your hands in there and form into patties. Fry or grill until the juices run clear.

Toast your buns, assemble and eat. 

I've learnt something new today. There are large versions of Mini Cheddars. Known as Cheddars. Yes, I know. Who knew?! ... Everyone apparently.

A colleague decided to share a delicious snack with us today. Cheddars dunked in coffee.

Belgian buns with tea are a delicious snack. Flapplejacks are a delicious snack.

I salute the culinary experimentation but no no no. Bad times for the Cheddars.

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