Oeufs Cocotting |
Les Oeufs en Cocotte- quick, simple and one of the nicest ways to eat an egg. Take a ramekin and put a small bit of proper butter in the bottom. My ramekins came from M&S. And once contained crème brûlée... Place in a saucepan and carefully pour in boiling water until it's half way up the ramekin. Try not to get water inside the ramekin, this will spoil the nice eggy, butteryness. Keep the water on a low heat. When the butter is melted, crack in an egg and put the lid on.
Oeuf Lifting |
Careful lifting the pots out of the pan. Hot things are hot and you don't want to get water in it. I used a potato masher. You may use whichever unsuitable kitchen implement you wish.
The white should be set and the yolk, as Elizabeth David says, should be quite soft. Served with the aforementioned lettuce and courgettes (also a veg box leftover) fried with olive oil, garlic and lemon juice.
Over Oeufed |
My oeufs were a little firmer than they should have been but they still tasted good which, in the end, is the main thing.
On a final note today. I am very lucky that my place of work provides fruit for the staff. Today I have eaten 2 apples, 1 date, 2 strawberries, 1 fig, 2 cherries, 1 lychee and a plum. Which has left me feeling a little bit like The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
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