Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Morning Espresso and Very Little Jogging

Woke up to a very chilly flat this morning as boiler decided that it did not want to work on the first day back at work. Bad boiler. Moka pot of coffee made the day less fuzzy and did encourage Dr W (who was not working today) to get up and fix the boiler. Gold star!

Dull food day today as waiting for veg box to turn up tomorrow, so... Look what Father Christmas got me!

Small Crab to join Big Crab! 

Both are pots of indeterminate use. It has been suggested that Small Crab is a 1920s/30s seaside souvenir that would have been filled with crab meat. Big Crab is a modern monstrosity but I love him.

However, can't say that Dr W and I found any of souvenir crab pots on our visit to Clacton-on-Sea for Valentines Day 2010. 

Maybe Bournemouth or Weston-Super-Mare will oblige this year!

Food today, Vegi Chilli - quick & cheap - Cook in order!
1. Olive oil, onion, garlic, coriander, cumin, smoked paprika, chilli flakes
2. Mushrooms, Quorn mince, kidney beans
3. Passata, salt & pepper
Simmer til done.
Served with rice, yoghurt & pickled jalapenos.

Nothing special but we can't eat like this everyday. Interesting...


  1. Hey Sam(?),
    Thank you for stopping to say "Hello" over at my blog.
    I love your crabs! I hope you'll find more of them. Then you can have a crab-themed dinner party. Woo! What fun! x

  2. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Blue-crab-tea-light-holder-/260735921985?pt=UK_Candle_Holders&hash=item3cb5126f41 Saw this and thought of you.
